1161 Weston (c.1940s)

Selrahc Yrogerg
There was Williams Barber Shop run by this nice fellow from Europe, he was a sport fisherman, there were large stuffed Trophy Muskellunges decorating the walls of the shop. I had to wait while he finishes up with another customer. When my turn came he sits me in the red vinyl upholstered barbers chair, cranks the arm on the side to raise me up to mirror height, spins it to face the mirror then asks me, “what am I supposed to do”?
I thought he could cut the hair around the missing chunk shorter, he did that, then he took a pencil out of his light blue barbers jacket, put it to his mouth licked it and filled in the bald spot with the soft pencil lead,he then said, “$5 please”. It looked OK, a lot better than being bald! Next to Williams there was a tax and accounting office which I had no idea what it was for, their window was made of that non see through glass.
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