1154 Weston (1905 - 1966)
Pearen baptist church (Methodist church) | Weston bus loop | Townhouses

John Maniezzo
First church in the community.
June Turnbull
I went to Sunday school there. Edna Barton our next door neighbour used to take us, That would have been in the late 30s or early 40s.
Dawn Doyle
Tom Tran, the blank space on the left hand end of Pearen United Church was a tennis court in the 1950’s.
Billy Bud
I recall a Mr. LeGrow as minister at Pearen in 50's.
Doug Hodgins
I belonged to the 209th Cub Pack in 1954 and loved it. It was sad to see such a Mt. Dennis landmark torn down.
Rose Scobie
We were married in. Pearen because. Chalmers was being renovated. So sad when it was demolished
Mary Ewing
Went to CGIT (Canadian Girls in Training) there in the 50's
Julianna Shaw
Went to that church from the age of 2 or 3 until we had to join up with Chalmers Church in my late teens. Good memories!
Joyce Cooke
Can remember old Mr. Pordage coming there, his hands showing he was working with the soil in the greenhouses which have long since vanished as well.
First church in the community.
June Turnbull
I went to Sunday school there. Edna Barton our next door neighbour used to take us, That would have been in the late 30s or early 40s.
Dawn Doyle
Tom Tran, the blank space on the left hand end of Pearen United Church was a tennis court in the 1950’s.
Billy Bud
I recall a Mr. LeGrow as minister at Pearen in 50's.
Doug Hodgins
I belonged to the 209th Cub Pack in 1954 and loved it. It was sad to see such a Mt. Dennis landmark torn down.
Rose Scobie
We were married in. Pearen because. Chalmers was being renovated. So sad when it was demolished
Mary Ewing
Went to CGIT (Canadian Girls in Training) there in the 50's
Julianna Shaw
Went to that church from the age of 2 or 3 until we had to join up with Chalmers Church in my late teens. Good memories!
Joyce Cooke
Can remember old Mr. Pordage coming there, his hands showing he was working with the soil in the greenhouses which have long since vanished as well.
Jim Marilyn Peck
My father was the custodian there went to church 3 times on sunday.
Janet Millward Godber
The Pearen Church was demolished to facilitate the widening of Eglinton Ave. ...the year was 1966. When it was demolished my brother, his friends and I, were playing in the rubble. I was standing behind one of the boys and when he wound up to throw the brick I was standing behind him and got hit in the eye. I can recall going to the clinic on Guestville for a tetanus shot!
Robert Thomas
Our family went to Pearen United until three churches amalgamated... Pearen United, Chalmers United, and I believe the other was Harwood ....
I also remember the Boy Scouts used to hold an activity day once a year on the lot behind the church.
Jack Clarke Charlie
I remember old tennis courts overgrown with vegetation where the bus loop is. This is around 1960 I think.
Pat Mueller
I remember the bus loop there when the church was still there. We would go with our tricycles and wagons to the loop and the driv
Pearen was the church my family and I attended until we joined with Chalmers United
Some really old events...

The Urban Palimpsest of Mount Dennis - Thesis statement