1161 Weston (c.1870s - 1968)
c.1870s - 1968
M. J. Grocery | Fryer’s Hairdressing Studio | Parking lot
MD Post office, Bank of Nova Scotia
M. J. Grocery | Fryer’s Hairdressing Studio | Parking lot
MD Post office, Bank of Nova Scotia

Greig Stewart
I believe it was the Marshall family homestead built around 1870. It was everything from a post office, butcher shop, bake store and general store. The Fryer family took over the building in 1946.
John Maniezzo
"With the creation of the new school section, the area was granted a post office, to be located in Marshall's store and George Marshall was the post master. He used to 'hook' the mail bags off trains as they passed by his building. It was to be called "Mount Dennis" ...the mount reflecting the toilsome climb up the slopes of Black Creek on Weston Road to the Post Office. Prior the families had to go either to Weston or Carlton to pick up their mail.”
Linda Stokes
Spent many a day with my mom at Mrs Fryers while my mom got her hair done.
I believe it was the Marshall family homestead built around 1870. It was everything from a post office, butcher shop, bake store and general store. The Fryer family took over the building in 1946.
John Maniezzo
"With the creation of the new school section, the area was granted a post office, to be located in Marshall's store and George Marshall was the post master. He used to 'hook' the mail bags off trains as they passed by his building. It was to be called "Mount Dennis" ...the mount reflecting the toilsome climb up the slopes of Black Creek on Weston Road to the Post Office. Prior the families had to go either to Weston or Carlton to pick up their mail.”
Linda Stokes
Spent many a day with my mom at Mrs Fryers while my mom got her hair done.
Selrahc Yrogerg
Beside his shop there was this smelly ladies hair salon where you would almost pass out from the smell of the solutions they used to dye hair it was terrible, next to that there was of all things another shoe store, this one was the Agnew Surpass shoe store where as a kid I bugged my mom until she bought me the white bucks for twelve bucks (get it), just like the ones Pat Boone wore, those shoes along with my black spring jacket with the gold strip in it and a collar, I must have looked pretty sharpish.
Tom Tran
The building got demolished when Eglinton Ave. was widened in 1970. It got replaced by a parking lot intended to serve to new Richview highway which never materialized. Now, the parking lot is
mostly empty.
Beside his shop there was this smelly ladies hair salon where you would almost pass out from the smell of the solutions they used to dye hair it was terrible, next to that there was of all things another shoe store, this one was the Agnew Surpass shoe store where as a kid I bugged my mom until she bought me the white bucks for twelve bucks (get it), just like the ones Pat Boone wore, those shoes along with my black spring jacket with the gold strip in it and a collar, I must have looked pretty sharpish.
Tom Tran
mostly empty.
Mt. Dennis in the 1900s
The M. J grocery store was the first built in MD.

Old ad...
The Urban Palimpsest of Mount Dennis - Thesis statement