1170 Weston (c.1910s)

Rosey Guidolin
Ladies of Weston Road…this question is for you…I'm trying to remember the name of the hair salon on Weston Road which was owned by two young, stylish sisters of British origin. They took photographs of clients to display in their window and I was one of them. I loved how they cut my hair short and with a touch of "mod".
Barbara Geisel
Again, that would be Irenas Hair Design - 1182 Weston Rd, Irena was the owner and Teresa her sister then there were 4 other sisters - Zofia, Daniela, Barbara (Me) and Elena - Surma the last name
Rosey Guidolin
Barbara, how wonderful. I loved your sister's hair salon. They were such wonderful women. If you can, just say hello from someone who remembered them.
Darlene Patrick
Yes...mom did for a while, then it was a bit hard to cross Weston Rd...so she went to Hailey Hair design right next door to my dads shop..
Ladies of Weston Road…this question is for you…I'm trying to remember the name of the hair salon on Weston Road which was owned by two young, stylish sisters of British origin. They took photographs of clients to display in their window and I was one of them. I loved how they cut my hair short and with a touch of "mod".
Barbara Geisel
Again, that would be Irenas Hair Design - 1182 Weston Rd, Irena was the owner and Teresa her sister then there were 4 other sisters - Zofia, Daniela, Barbara (Me) and Elena - Surma the last name
Rosey Guidolin
Barbara, how wonderful. I loved your sister's hair salon. They were such wonderful women. If you can, just say hello from someone who remembered them.
Darlene Patrick
Yes...mom did for a while, then it was a bit hard to cross Weston Rd...so she went to Hailey Hair design right next door to my dads shop..
Michael A Cappa Sr.
They were actually Polish. They had British accents because that's where the children were born, but the parents were Polish...there was one more younger girl too. Irena's was the 'funky' place to go...they also did guys hair...the long haired freaks that Sister Eleanor wouldn't let pose in school pictures!!! LOL!! They eventually moved to the Bloor Village, near Runnyemede. not sure if they are still there...
Joanne Sulima Fielden
Christmas at Irena's...always served Shanty's
Andrea Hodgins Marshall
I used to get my hair done there, they were really nice girls. I had my hair done there for my wedding at the Good Shepherd in 1972.
Patti McArthur
I cant believe that I forgot M&M variety store, right across the street from Locust on Weston Rd. I had my first job there, the basement reminded me of something from a Stephen King movie, I also had my first real kiss at the magazine stand, lol. Ahhh memories, I love this site. Thanks to whoever started it up!!!
They were actually Polish. They had British accents because that's where the children were born, but the parents were Polish...there was one more younger girl too. Irena's was the 'funky' place to go...they also did guys hair...the long haired freaks that Sister Eleanor wouldn't let pose in school pictures!!! LOL!! They eventually moved to the Bloor Village, near Runnyemede. not sure if they are still there...
Joanne Sulima Fielden
Christmas at Irena's...always served Shanty's
Andrea Hodgins Marshall
I used to get my hair done there, they were really nice girls. I had my hair done there for my wedding at the Good Shepherd in 1972.
Patti McArthur
I cant believe that I forgot M&M variety store, right across the street from Locust on Weston Rd. I had my first job there, the basement reminded me of something from a Stephen King movie, I also had my first real kiss at the magazine stand, lol. Ahhh memories, I love this site. Thanks to whoever started it up!!!
Some old ads...
Irena's opening day in 1967
1956 ad of MD gidt & tobacco shop (before M&M)
The Urban Palimpsest of Mount Dennis - Thesis statement