1250 Weston (c.1930s)

60th (90th according to June Turnbull) anniversary on Facebook here
Video with York South NDP here
Garry Chernest
Yes it is still one of Mt. Dennis proudest & finest Restsurant institutions that still around from our days when we lived there back in the day what I can still remember was at holloween Bill the late father's owner of golden crisp fish & chips use to give out little cones of French fries boy was that ever special back in my childhood days cheers your Canadian Sports Buddy & fellow York memorial mustang alumni in success.
June Turnbull
Video with York South NDP here
Garry Chernest
Yes it is still one of Mt. Dennis proudest & finest Restsurant institutions that still around from our days when we lived there back in the day what I can still remember was at holloween Bill the late father's owner of golden crisp fish & chips use to give out little cones of French fries boy was that ever special back in my childhood days cheers your Canadian Sports Buddy & fellow York memorial mustang alumni in success.
June Turnbull
Tom Tran, a few more interesting facts. There has been a successful fish and chip store at the same site for 90 years. There have been a few different owners and also the building was rebuilt on the same spot after a fire, but the name has never changed. It has always been what my father started, “Golden Crisp fish and chips”. My parents owned the fish and chip store at 1300 Weston Rd. in 1931. They moved north a few lots to 1310 Weston Rd., formerly owned by Mr. Pugh ( The Tea Co.) in 1932 (where it currently stands)
Mike Harrison
It was called Golden Crisp before the Vandekemps took over in 1961. My Mum used to go there for f&c at 15 cents an order in the 1920s-30s.
Julie Brown Hale
The best fish and chips anywhere. I live two hours to the east, but I go to Golden Crisp every time I'm in Toronto.
Mike Harrison
It was called Golden Crisp before the Vandekemps took over in 1961. My Mum used to go there for f&c at 15 cents an order in the 1920s-30s.
Julie Brown Hale
The best fish and chips anywhere. I live two hours to the east, but I go to Golden Crisp every time I'm in Toronto.
Janet Millward Godber
We loved Golden Crisp Fish & Chips and went there often. I knew Mary Ann Vandekemp quite well and after bowling we used to go to her dads store and help to make the chips down in the basement. Then we'd have a big plate of chips and fish crispies. When my mom was small there was a fish and chip store there before Golden Crisp. They used to get fish & chips on a Friday and as she was the youngest, never got enough so she used to make chip sandwiches. I still make chip sandwiches when we get fish and chips. There's a decent one here in Bronte.
Louise Hadley
Yum! I was part of the new wait-staff when they re-opened after the fire. Harry & his wife were pregnant with their first and I love it that they still remember us when we come visit for dinner. Yipes .. I think their daughter must be about 22, 23 .. now ..
Malcolm Bradley Smith
1980 - 2005. I would often pick up take out orders on Friday evening for the crew I worked with at Kodak.
John Guglielmo
Have enjoyed your Fish and Chips for several decades, and plan to continue to come by. Thank you !
Louise Hadley
I have sooo many memories .. from coming in on Halloween with my sister to get free chippies, to days of working behind the counter & serving tables, and peeling potatoes downstairs!
Virginia Charbonneau
I remember fish and chips wrapped in newspaper. It was just take out back in the early 50's.
We loved Golden Crisp Fish & Chips and went there often. I knew Mary Ann Vandekemp quite well and after bowling we used to go to her dads store and help to make the chips down in the basement. Then we'd have a big plate of chips and fish crispies. When my mom was small there was a fish and chip store there before Golden Crisp. They used to get fish & chips on a Friday and as she was the youngest, never got enough so she used to make chip sandwiches. I still make chip sandwiches when we get fish and chips. There's a decent one here in Bronte.
Louise Hadley
Yum! I was part of the new wait-staff when they re-opened after the fire. Harry & his wife were pregnant with their first and I love it that they still remember us when we come visit for dinner. Yipes .. I think their daughter must be about 22, 23 .. now ..
Malcolm Bradley Smith
1980 - 2005. I would often pick up take out orders on Friday evening for the crew I worked with at Kodak.
John Guglielmo
Have enjoyed your Fish and Chips for several decades, and plan to continue to come by. Thank you !
Louise Hadley
I have sooo many memories .. from coming in on Halloween with my sister to get free chippies, to days of working behind the counter & serving tables, and peeling potatoes downstairs!
Virginia Charbonneau
I remember fish and chips wrapped in newspaper. It was just take out back in the early 50's.
Some old ads...

The Urban Palimpsest of Mount Dennis - Thesis statement