1267-69 Weston
Royal Bank of Canada
Mt Dennis Medical Center
Mt Dennis Medical Center

Selrahc Yrogerg
After Flynns there was an apartment building that housed the new Royal Bank where I forged Alex’s signature to some withdrawal slips, about $1.50 at a time until he found out when it reached $32 and along with that and wearing his blue Pepsi pants he threw me out of the house on Victoria Blvd. and I would have to sneak in the cellar window at night and sleep in the room we used to store the coal in.
After Flynns there was an apartment building that housed the new Royal Bank where I forged Alex’s signature to some withdrawal slips, about $1.50 at a time until he found out when it reached $32 and along with that and wearing his blue Pepsi pants he threw me out of the house on Victoria Blvd. and I would have to sneak in the cellar window at night and sleep in the room we used to store the coal in.

Tom Tran
Before the city revamped the space in 2008, it was a shabby wholesale shop with a studio called “Sniper”.
Before the city revamped the space in 2008, it was a shabby wholesale shop with a studio called “Sniper”.
The Urban Palimpsest of Mount Dennis - Thesis statement