1297-9 Weston
Mount Dennis CCM
Sid’s Barber shop
Veretes vegetable market
Texas burgers & chicken Steakhouse
Sid’s Barber shop
Veretes vegetable market
Texas burgers & chicken Steakhouse

Judy Brown-GiraldiI Remember when it was a fruit & vegetable market operated by the Vetere Family.
Damolidis Danny
CCM bikes, before Voula and Jerry bought it and converted it to Texas Burgers. The color photo was taken after the cab joint on the opposite corner had a propane tank blow up destroying the building and many windows in the neighbourhood, i ate thousands of hamburgers from here. Free of course , my mom and dad owned the joint.
Barbara Rose
The best charbrolied burgers and the most chocolatey milkshakes ever. I still haven't found anything even close.
Thomas J Howieson
The best place, they let all us kids hang out there much the same as Fred's Lunch
Michael A Cappa Sr.
I spent tons of cash at Texas Burgers!!! That is why I was a bit of a chubby kid(LOL!). Those 3 years of those (newspaper) routes were the best times of my life! I knew everyone along that strip and it took me hours to do my routes because I had to stop and play with everyone along the way!!!
Damolidis DannyYeah I think 1971 was the year my parents bought it , we sold it after my mom died, Jackie is right. There is an restaurant called African Players Restaurant there now , it was empty for years, we sold it to Omar and his partner after mom passed, his restaurant was called Players Restaurant. I believe then he closed down, don't know why though ?
The chicken business
by Damolidis DannyYou were too young to order this but before Kentucky Fried Chicken opened up, the Restaurant would deep fry chicken in this huge fryer that had like a submarine hatch door on the top, that chicken was unbelievable, but people stopped buying the chicken even though for the same price you got chicken twice the size and a better flavour, the flavour was in the chicken not in the batter. The Kentucky brand name was just too strong to fight so we stopped making it. When my mom took over the place years later she would make homemade burgers that had twice the meat of my dad's burgers , those burgers are the ones I miss, but they were more of a Greek style burger, they had chopped onions , peppers, eggs and seasoned bread crumbs in the mix , the smell of them frying on the grill was just amazing, now my mouth is watering. Take care Jackie, thank you for the kind words.
The Urban Palimpsest of Mount Dennis - Thesis statement